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NShape - .Net Diagramming Framework for Industrial Applications - Home


NShape is an Open Source diagram designing framework for .NET WinForms. Software developers use NShape to integrate diagramming capabilities into their applications. Using NShape, applications let users view, annotate, modify and create diagrams like flow charts, wiring schemes or project charts. NShape is open source and has a dual license which allows it to be employed for free in open source projects and for a license fee in commercial projects.
  • NShape is targeted towards large industrial applications, which differentiates it from most other diagramming frameworks.
  • NShape offers all the required basic functionality like glue points, aggregation, undo/redo, zooming, layers and grouping.
  • NShape is powerful and scalable to work also with large diagrams of many thousand shapes.
  • NShape is template based to enable the user to manage large diagram sets. Modification of templated properties are immediately reflected in all shapes instantiated from this template.
  • NShape is style-based, so you can change the look of all diagrams in a project consistently with only a few mouse clicks.
  • NShape provides a repository interface to integrate it in your applications persistency concept. A SQL Server and an XML implementation are already contained in the package.
  • NShape comes with a built-in permission management to control the actions the user may perform.
  • NShape's WinForms controls all implement the Controller-Presenter pattern to allow for perfect integration into your application's user interface.
  • NShape promotes a model-view architecture to clearly separate the applications model from the presentation functionality provided by NShape.
  • NShape allows for binding shape properties to model properties, which updates the user interface immediately when the corresponding model data changes.

Please send an e-mail to support@dataweb.de for all questions regarding NShape.

Last edited Jan 11, 2012 at 11:24 AM by ppohmann, version 3


  • NShape面向大型工业应用,它区别于大多数其他图表框架。
  • NShape提供了所需的所有基本功能,如胶点,汇总,撤销/重做,缩放,层和分组。
  • NShape是强大的,可扩展的工作也与几千形状的大图。
  • NShape是基于模板,使用户能够管理大图套。模板化属性的修改会立即反映在各种形状从这个模板实例化。
  • NShape是风格为主,所以在一个项目中的所有图表,你可以改变一下一贯只需点击几下鼠标。
  • NShape提供了一个库的接口,将其集成到您的应用程序的持久性概念。一个SQL Server和XML实现已经包含在包中。
  • NShape配备了一个内置的权限管理来控制用户可以执行的行动。
  • NShape的WinForms控件都实现了控制器演示模式,可以完美融入您的应用程序的用户界面。
  • NShape促进了模型 - 视图结构的应用程序模型演示功能提供NShape明确分开。
  • NShape允许约束力的形状属性模型属性,更新用户界面后,相应的模型数据的变化。


最后编辑月11,2012 7:24 PM ppohmann,第3版

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