

The Raccoom.Xml namespace contains interfaces and classes that deal with RSS 2.1 and OPML 1.1 data. It provides strong typed classes which meet the required specifications. These classes help you to consume or create these kind of documents in your code, no knowledge about XML or the data specifications needed.

The Raccoom.Xml.Editors namespace contains a MDI based editor for RSS and OPML documents. You can load, save and edit your documents. There is also a built-in XML and HTML preview.

Raccoom.Xml.Test contains the NUnit based test cases. Basically, the tests create data and save it to the local storage. After loading into a new instance, it verifies that both instances are equal. Another test scenario takes care of the collection's add and remove methods.


RSS and OPML documents are XML documents, basically it's all about XML. The main code will parse XML files and store the gained data somewhere. Somewhere? I guess it would be nice and straight forward if I could use data binding, IntelliSense and an intuitive class model to deal with these kind of documents. The worst you can do is implement your XML parser directly into a UI control. But at the end of the day, we would like to present our data in a nice UI. So we have to consume the XML and display the containing data in a nice way. Like always, we should separate data from UI. That's where this framework comes in...